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You vs Me

Writer's picture: Laura AboliLaura Aboli

In this physical illusion which we call life, the idea that we are, in fact, ONE, is almost impossible to relate to, and yet, it is possibly the most important piece of knowledge we should all try to wrap our heads around, for it has the potential to change us and how we relate to everything and everyone around us in a very profound way.

It took me a long time to begin to assimilate such an abstract thought, it’s definitely not an easy concept to grasp, let alone explain, but thanks to quantum physics we can begin to dissect the concept in a way that our limited minds may be able to digest.

At the quantum level everything is energy. I repeat: at the quantum level everything is just energy (let that sink in). Solid matter, as we used to think of it, does not exist. Wait, what?! Yes, matter does not actually exist. We were taught that matter is made up of molecules and molecules are made up of atoms but science has proven that atoms are not solid, they have three different subatomic particles inside them: protons, neutrons, and electrons. The protons and neutrons are packed together into the centre of the atom, while the electrons whizz around the outside. The electrons move so quickly that we never know exactly where they are from one moment to the next. In reality, the atoms that form objects that we call ‘solid’ are actually made up of 99.999999999999% space. Did you get that? All that appears solid is actually made of molecules that are practically made up of ‘nothing’. That means that the pen you are writing with, the phone you are holding in your hand, the house you live in, the earth you live on, that so-called ‘solid’ reality consists for the most part of empty space. The ‘solid’ part of an atom is only 0.000000000001% of the whole atom’s mass! If you enlarge the nucleus of an atom to the size of a pinhead, the first electron would be at a distance of 49 metres! In between, there is only empty space.

“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real”

Niels Bohr, Physics Nobel Prize Laureate

Not only do particles consist of energy, but so does the space between. This is the so-called 'zero-point energy'. Therefore, it is true: Everything consists of energy. According to the famous American physicist Richard Feynman, the energy density of this empty space is 10⁹⁵ joules per cubic centimetre. In simple terms, it means that a glass full of empty space contains enough energy to set the Atlantic Ocean boiling!

Zero-point energy field is the prime source of the universal life energy that has been described, mentioned, and used by every culture in its own way: the Chinese call it ch’i, which is similar to the Greek pneuma, the Latin spiritus vitalis, the prana of yoga, the mana of the Kahunas in Hawaii, the Light of the Christians, the ka of the ancient Egyptians, or the ki in reiki.

We are therefore nothing but energy in a vast energetic ocean, so where do I begin and where do you end?

We may have different forms, but we are made of the same energy. If we were to think of this energy as water, I might be water in a jug and you may be water in a bottle but we are still water, and not only that, we are water from the same source; beautiful, crystalline water from the fountain of the creator. We come from the same source and we will return to it. When the time comes to give up our physical ‘vessels’ we will blend together into the ocean of infinite life force energy. How can we therefore allow for there to be any contemplation of you, vs me?

There is no you, there is no me, there is us, there is everything. There is ONE.

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10 opmerkingen

20 dec 2023

Very interesting article. Glad to have found you, through a video on Ugetube. This is profound, but very disturbing for us - as individuals:

"When the time comes to give up our physical ‘vessels’ we will blend together into the ocean of infinite life force energy. "

I have always thought (before being saved by our Lord Jesus) that the spark of life that the Stoic Greeks believed in would simply go back to its source and, as you say, blend with the rest. But that message is hardly a good one for us that do act and behave as individuals with freedom of choice, likes and dislikes, and all the rest. Just thinking out loud because nobody in …


Martin Godden
Martin Godden
10 sep 2022

Science is now reflecting Advaita Vedanta which is great to see.


Anton Loubser
Anton Loubser
13 jul 2021

I like the science but your conclusion is empty.

There is a God of the Bible. He designed the whole Universe just for "us".

Yes Jesus used sound to create, and yes we can resonate with God, but we are not one and we are not the same.

Same substance but 100% different. Aka, each are unique. Perfectly planned ready to conform to His image.

You choose. Your move, it's up to you.

Lex Mercatoria
Lex Mercatoria
05 dec 2022
Reageren op

Ken Wilber describes this paradox as essential to realizing who we are ; see


12 jun 2021

I agree with you wholeheartedly, we are also one with the Earth, which is 70% water and human beings are 70% water. The answers on my journey have always be found in nature a gift to all of us. We are all interconnected through energy, vibration, and frequency everything is alive all around us. Our animals know unconditional love we as a society have very little understanding of the concept. Please keep writing your words they are very powerful and will open people's minds and hearts to a new world of understanding.

Laura Aboli
Laura Aboli
14 jun 2021
Reageren op

Thank you 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻


"Me llama la atención el hecho de que en nuestra sociedad el arte se haya convertido en algo que atañe a los objetos y no a la vida ni a los individuos. ¿Por qué un hombre cualquiera no puede hacer de su vida una obra de arte? ¿por qué una determinada lámpara o una pintura pueden ser obras de arte y no puede serlo mi vida"


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